30 weeks and counting

I hate gestational diabetes.

It sucks.  My fingers don’t like it much either, with all the sticking and bleeding they are doing.

I want milk.  That is the one thing I have an insatiable craving for.  Milk.  I cannot have much, about 1 measured cup per day due to the anti-sugar diet I am on.  I hate it.  I NEED MILK!!

Anyway, the milk craving aside, I have been having some issues.  I have seen my doc and he wants me to take it easy.  He also requires that my visits to see him increase to 2 times per week for the duration.  He wants to keep a closer watch on the baby.

I find this moderately disturbing in the fact that two weeks ago I was told I wuld see him ever two weeks…then one week ago I was told I would be seeing him once a week for the duration…now we have been bumped up to twice per week for the duration with ultrasounds every Thursday. 

The good part is that I can rest assured that my doc is keeping tabs on my baby’s health and development…it is the “why” part that concerns me.

Anyway, I have really been worn out lately so haven’t said much on here.  I have been so busy working, house shopping, preparing food that I am allowed to eat, eating every two hours, etc…

Now, I have to slow down a bit.  We MUST find a house.  I NEED to be settled (or partially settled) into my own space before the baby comes.  I also need to have all my fuzzy kids in the same house before then.  I think it would be better for all the fuzzy kids to adapt to having a baby in the house if they were all present before her arrival.

So much to do and so little time.  No wonder I am too exhausted to keep up with blogging.


  1. Heather Said:

    Hang in there… Your more than half way through! This is the icky part of pregnancy. I hope you find a house soon, so you can be with all the fuzzy kids, I think that will help!
    I love you… and your doing great!!!

  2. tracey Said:

    Oh, GD sucks… Hope the pregnancy goes along smoothly for you and that you can get settled soon!

  3. Nominimom Said:

    Ugh. I feel (felt) your pain. GD sucks big time. I ate lots of peanut butter and cottage cheese. I missed milk a lot too. But I always reminded myself that it was for Junior, because if it was just for my health I’d say screw it and pour a big glass!

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